Answering Your Call: You Have to Plug It In! - June 5, 2022

“Answering Your Call: You Have to Plug It In!” John 14:8-17, 25-27 Rev. Dr. Marsha Middleton talks about the importance of being open to the connection of the Holy Spirit as we try to answer our call. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Answering Your Call: Will You say Yes? - May 22, 2022

“Answering Your Call: Will You Say Yes?” Micah 6:8, Ephesians 2:10, and 1 Peter 4:10-11 Rev. Jana Morales kicks off our new message series by asking church members Jana Server, Toney Walsh, and Liz Strand Cimini what led them to accept their callings. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Better Together: The Family of God - May 8, 2022

“Better Together: The Family of God” Matthew 12:46-50 Rev. Dr. Owen Ross wraps up our Better Together series with a look at how we take care of family and what it means to be part fo the family of God. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit