Holy Saturday: A Day of Waiting

Greetings in the Name of our Lord,

For me Holy Saturday is a day of waiting and questions. This day is full of irony. With great grief, guilt, remorse, and regret the disciples watched their Lord crucified on Friday. They watched him be laid in a tomb. What would they do now? We wait for the coming of Easter for we know that Good Friday is not the end of the story, but what of the disciples? 

The disciples were about to experience the greatest mind changing event in history. They were on the scene for the occasion of all time. In the resurrection of the Christ, the past, present, and future would never be the same. 

I could bore you with the extensive historical evidence for the resurrection. But there is no need to convince our population of the historical fact of the resurrection. The Barna group, who regularly surveys our population on religious and cultural matters, reminds us that almost 90% of our society believes in the resurrection of Jesus. I guess that is why churches will be full all over the world. We believe the historical evidence. The question is – what difference does it make? Does the resurrection of Jesus change our lives? Will it change the way we make our decisions? Does it really matter to all those who believe? 

On this day of waiting, ask yourself this question...

What difference does the resurrection of Jesus mean for how I live my life? 

Here are two scriptures from the Gospel of Luke to lead your Saturday reflection: Luke 23:55-56 and Luke 24:13-27.

Pastor John Allen