Enough: Cultivating Contentment - The Bridge 09-23-2018

“Enough: Cultivating Contentment” Luke 12:13-34, Matthew 6:34, Philippians 4:11 Rev. Jeff Lust talks about finding contentment in our relationship with God instead of in external things like politics, sports, or possessions. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Enough: Cultivating Contentment - The Bridge 09-23-2018

“Enough: Cultivating Contentment” Luke 12:13-34, Matthew 6:34, Philippians 4:11 Rev. Courtney Schultz continues our sermon series and asks us a very engaging question, “What is my Treasure?”. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Enough: When Dreams Become Nightmares - Celebration & The Bridge 09-09-2018

"Enough: When Dreams Become Nightmares" 1 Timothy 8:9-10 Rev. Jeff Lust kicks off a news series about discovering joy through simplicity and generosity. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Call & Response: Nehemiah, Rebuilding - The Bridge 09-02-2018

"Call & Response: Nehemiah, Rebuilding" Nehemiah 2:1-8 Rev. Jana Lunardon finishes out our Old Testament sermon series with a reminder to keep pushing and growing with God's help, even when things need work. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Call & Response: Nehemiah, Rebuilding - Celebration - 09-02-2018

"Call & Response: Nehemiah, Rebuilding" Nehemiah 2:1-8 Rev. Jeff Lust finishes out our Old Testament sermon series with a reminder to keep pushing and growing with God's help, even when things need work. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Call & Response: Jeremiah - Voice of Patience and Hope - The Bridge 08-26-2018

"Call & Response: Jeremiah - Voice of Patience and Hope" Jeremiah 1:4-10 Rev. Courtney Schultz reminds us to look for the voices of warning around us and to receive encouragement that may accompany that. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Call & Response: Jeremiah - Voice of Patience and Hope - Celebration 08-26-2018

"Call & Response: Jeremiah - Voice of Patience and Hope" Jeremiah 1:4-10 Rev. Jeff Lust encourages us to love our neighbors, no matter how they may differ from us. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Call & Response: Esther - Presence, Patience, and Influence - Celebration 08-19-2018

"Call & Response: Esther - Presence, Patience, and Influence" Esther 4:12-14 Rev. Jeff Lust walks us through the story of Esther as a way to challenge us to recognize and name God's call in situations around us when times seem tough. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Call & Response: Esther - Presence, Patience, and Influence - The Bridge 08-18-2018

"Call & Response: Esther - Presence, Patience, and Influence" Esther 4:12-14 Rev. Courtney Schultz uses the story of Esther as a way to challenge us to recognize and name God's call in situations around us. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.

Call & Response: The Importance of the Right Start - Celebration & The Bridge 07-22-2018

"Call & Response: The Importance of the Right Start" Genesis 12:1-3, 17:1-8 Reverend Jeff Lust starts off our new message series about Old Testament call stories by talking about Abraham's long wait for a child. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit www.mysumc.org.