Creating a New Normal: Standing Tall, Falling Hard - November 8, 2020

"Creating a New Normal: Standing Tall, Falling Hard" 1 Samuel 12:19-25 Rev. Jeff Lust looks back at the Israelites desire for a king and the expectations Samuel tried to set for them. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Creating a New Normal: The Faith of a Foreign Woman - November 1, 2020

"Creating a New Normal: The Faith of a Foreign Woman" Ruth 2:1-3, 8, 10-13 Rev. Jana Morales looks at the faith of Ruth and relates it to our willingness to care for others. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Creating a New Normal: A Few Good Men and Women - October 25, 2020

"Creating a New Normal: A Few Good Men and Women" Judges 2:8, 10-13, 16-19 Rev. Jeff Lust explores the role of the Judges in the Old Testament and shares what we can learn from them in regards to our own faith journey. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Creating a New Normal: The Battle Begins - October 18, 2020

"Creating a New Normal: The Battle Begins" Joshua 1:1-3, 16-18 Rev. Jeff Lust offers reasons why God commanded the Israelites to take the Promised Land and explores keys to their success. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

The Struggle is Real: New Commands & New Covenants - October 4, 2020

"The Struggle is Real: New Commands & New Covenants" Exodus 20:1-17 Rev. Jeff Lust looks at the cycle of people’s relationship with God and the purpose for the Ten Commandments. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Unscrambling Church Speak: Are These the End Times? - August 30, 2020

"Unscrambling Church Speak: Are These the End Times?" Matthew 24:3-14 Rev. Jeff Lust looks at signs of the end times in scripture and offers perspective on our current tribulations. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Unscrambling Church Speak: Who is the ‘Bride’ of Christ? - August 23, 2020

"Unscrambling Church Speak: Who is the ‘Bride’ of Christ?" Revelation 21:1-4 Rev. Jeff Lust explains what is meant by the ‘bride’ of Christ and who that represents. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Unscrambling Church Speak: Let’s Have Some Fellowship - August 16, 2020

"Unscrambling Church Speak: Let’s Have Some Fellowship" 1 John 1:1-4 Rev. Jeff Lust looks at fellowship in the Bible and imagines what that may look like in all that we’re dealing with today. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Unscrambling Church Speak: It’s Spiritual Warfare! - August 9, 2020

"Unscrambling Church Speak: It’s Spiritual Warfare!" Ephesians 6:10-20 Rev. Jeff Lust explores the idea of spiritual warfare and takes a look at Paul’s letter to the Ephesians in light of our current reality. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Unscrambling Church Speak: The Lamb of God - July 26, 2020

"Unscrambling Church Speak: The Lamb of God" John 1:29-37 Rev. Jeff Lust continues our message series about insider language of the church and explains what is meant by ‘The Lamb of God’. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit

Travelogue: Surprise Travel Companion - July 5, 2020

"Travelogue: Surprise Travel Companion" Luke 24:13-18, 28-32 Rev. Jeff Lust reflects on the story about Jesus appearing on the road to Emmaus and how bread can hold a special place in our hearts and minds. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, please visit